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UN(국제연합) 조직시스템 및 국제기구 종류

담덕MBA 2013. 2. 22.

UN(국제연합)의 조직시스템은 크게 총회, 안전보장이사회(안보리), 경제사회이사회, 신탁통치이사회, 국제사법재판소, 사무국으로 구성되어 있으며 전문기구(and 독립기구)와 보조기구로 나눌수 있다.


UN 조직시스템


1. 유엔총회(General Assembly)  

1) 산하기관(Subsidiary Bodies)

- 주요위원회(Main Committees)

- 인원이사회(Human Rights Council)

- 기타 회기별 위원회(other sessional committees)

- 상설 및 임시위원회(Standing Committees and ad hoc bodies)

- 기타 산하기관(Other subsidiary organs)


2) 자문기관(Advisory Subsidiary Bodies)

- 유엔평화구축위원회(UN PBC: Peace building Commission)


3) 사업 및 기금을 위한 기구(Programmes and Funds)

- 유엔무역개발회의(UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)

- 유엔개발계획(UNDP: United Nations Development Programme)

- 유엔자본개발기금(UNCDF: United Nations Capital Development Fund)

- 유엔자원봉사단(UNV: United Nations Volunteers)

- 유엔환경계획(UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme)

- 유엔인구기금(UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund)

- 유엔인간정주계획(UN-HABITAT: United Nations Human Settlements Programme)

- 유엔난민기구(UNHCR: International Refugee Organization )

- 유엔아동기금(UNICEF: United Nations Children’s Fund)

- 유엔마약범죄사무소(UNODC: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)

- 유엔팔레스타인난민구호기구(UNRWA: United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)

- 유엔여성기구(UN-Women)

- 세계식량계획(WFP: World Food Programme)


4) 연구 및 훈련을 위한 기구(Research and Traning Institutes)

- 유엔지역간 범죄처벌조사기관(UNICRI: United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute)

- 유엔군축연구소(UNIDIR: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research)

- 유엔훈련조사연구소(UNITAR: United Nations Institute for Training and Research)

- 유엔사회개발연구소(UNRISD: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development)

- 유엔참모양성학교(UNSSC: United Nations System Staff College)

- 유엔대학(UNU: United Nations University)


5) 기타 기관(Others Entities)

- 유엔에이즈계획(UNAIDS: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS)

- 국제재해경감전략기구(ISDR: International Strategy for Disaster Reduction)

- 유엔연구사업소(UNOPS: United Nations Office for Project Services)


2. 경제사회이사회(UNECOSOC: United Nations Economic and Social Council)

1) 기능위원회(Functional Commissions)

- 범죄예방,형사사법위원회(CCPCJ: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice)

- 마약위원회(CND: Commission on Narcotic Drugs)

- 인구개발위원회(CPD: Commission on Population and Development)

- 개발을 위한 과학기술위원회(Commission on Science and Technology for Development)

- 사회개발위원회(Commission for Social Development)

- 통계위원회(Statistical Commission)

- 여성지위위원회(CSW: Commission on the Status of Women)

- 지속가능발전위원회(CSD: Commission on Sustainable Development)

- 유엔산림포럼(UNFF: United Nations Forum on Forests)


2) 지역위원회(Regional Commissions)

- 아프리카경제위원회(ECA: Economic Commission for Africa)

- 유럽경제위원회(ECE: Economic Commission for Europe)

- 라틴아메리카경제위원회(ECLAC: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

- 아시아태평양경제사회위원회(ESCAP: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific)

- 서아시아경제사회위원회(ESCWA: Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia)


3) 기타기관(Other Bodies)

- 개발정책위원회(CDP: Committee for Development Policy)

- 공공행정전문가위원회(Committee of Experts on Public Administration)

- 비정부간기구위원회(CNGO: Committee on Non-governmental Organization)

- 선주민에관한연구포럼(UNPFII: United nation permanent forum on Indigenous Issues)

- 지명전문가그룹(GEGN: Group of Experts on Geographical Names)

- 사업조정위원회(CPC: Committee for Programme and Coordination)

- 조세문제국제협력전문가위원회(Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters)

- 위험물품수송전문가위원회(Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods)

- 개발을위한에너지자원위원회(Committee on Energy and Natural Resources for Development)

- 국제연합기구고위급조정위원회(CEB: UN System’s Chief Executives Board for Coordination)


3. 안전보장이사회(UNSC: United Nations Security Council )

1) 산하기관(Subsidiary Bodies)

- 대테러작전위원회(Counter-terrorism committees)

- 르완다국제형사재판소(ICTR: International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda)

- 국제유고전범재판소(ICTY: International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia)

- 군사참모위원회(Military Staff Committee)

- 평화유지활동(Peacekeeping operations)

- 제재위원회(Sanctions committees)

- 상설 및 임시위원회(Standing Committees and ad hoc bodies)


2) 자문기구(Advisory Subsidiary Body)

- 유엔평화구축위원회(UNPBC: UN Peacebuilding Commission)


3) 보조기관

- 가입심사위원회(Committee on Admission New Members)


4. 사무국(Secretariat)

1) 부서사무실(Departments and Offices)

- 유엔제네바사무소(UNOG: United Nations Office at Geneva)

- 유엔나이로비사무소(UNON: United Nations Office at Nairobi)

- 유엔빈사무소(UNOV: United Nations Office at Vienna)

- 사무총장경영사무소(EOSG: Executive Office of the Secretary-General)

- 경제사회국(DESA: Department of Economic and Social Affairs)

- 현장지원국(DFS: Department of Field Support)

- 총회운영국(DGACM: Department for General Assembly Affairs and Conference Management)

- 관리국(DM: Department of Management)

- 정무국(DPA: Department of Political Affairs)

- 공보국(DPI: Department of Public Information)

- 평화유지활동국(DPKO: Department of Peacekeeping Operations)

- 안전보안국(DSS: Department of Safety and Security)

- 인도적지원조정실(OCHA: Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)

- 인권최고대표사무소(OHCHR: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights)

- 내부감사실(OIOS: Office of Internal Oversight Services)

- 법률실(OLA: Office of Legal Affairs)

- 아프리카고문실(OSAA: Office of the Special Adviser on Africa)

- 어린이와 무장 충돌에 대한 실무그룹(CAAC: Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict)

- 군축국(UNODA: Office for Disarmament Affairs)

- 최빈,내륙국 고위대표실(OHRLLS: Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries,Landlocked Developing Countries)


5. 국제사법재판소(ICJ: The International Court of Justice)


6. 신탁통치이사회(Trusteeship Council)


7. 독립기구(Related Organizations)

- 포괄적핵실험금지기구(CTBTO: Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization)

- 국제원자력기구(IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency)

- 화학무기금지기구(OPCW: Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)

- 세계무역기구(WTO: World Trade Organization)


8. 전문기구(Specialized Agencies)

- 국제노동기구(ILO: International Labour Organization)

- 국제연합식량농업기구(FAO: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)

- 국제연합교육과학문화기구(UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

- 세계보건기구(WHO: World Health Organization)

- 세계은행그룹(World Bank Group)

   국제부흥개발은행(IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

   국제개발협회(IDA: International Development Association)

   국제금융공사(IFC: International Finance Corporation)

   국제투자보증기구(MIGA: Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency)

   국제투자분쟁해결기구(ICSID: International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes)

- 국제통화기금(IMF: International Monetary Fund)

- 국제민간항공기구(ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization)

- 국제해사기구(IMO: International Maritime Organization)

- 국제전기통신연합(ITU: International Telecommunication Union)

- 만국우편연합(UPU: Universal Postal Union)

- 세계기상기구(WMO: World Meteorological Organization)

- 세계지적재산권기구(WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization)

- 국제농업개발기금(IFAD: International Fund for Agricultural Development)

- 국제연합공업개발기구(UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organization)

- 유엔세계관광기구(UNWTO: United Nations World Tourism Organization)

